The Foula trip departs at 10am and is a total of 4 hours at sea just over 1hour each way and up to 1.5 hours round the isle to see the 1200ft cliffs and the thousands of sea birds that nest on them. The time ashore on Foula is 6+ hours enough time to hike the peaks, spend time in puffin central and even get a 3 course meal of Foula delicacies. It will be a 10+ hour day in total arriving back in Hamnavoe approx 8:30pm. The passage to and from Foula passes through some of the best whale spotting waters in the UK and if they are spotted we will stop to take a look.

If you like seafood you’ll love Mai’s kitchen.
3 courses of delicious local produce prepared and presented to you by Mai Gear, Lobster thermidor, curried crab and the sweet n juicy native lamb accompanied by a selection of veg from Mai’s garden. Originally from Burma Mai brings an Asian twist to the fantastic ingredients reared and caught on and around this pristine isle in the north Atlantic. A fantastic meal that to rival any of the top restaurants anywhere in the world. To book the meal call +44 (0) 1595 753281
If you wish for a longer stay on Foula then self catering accommodation is available at Ristie Self Catering on Facebook.
Learn more about Foula from the following links:
These trips are weather dependent and as such are subject to change of date or cancellation at short notice.
If you book say the Tuesday leave the Monday, Wednesday and Thursday free until closer to the date, once we have an accurate weather forecast we will let you know the exact day your trip will take place.
Please keep this in mind when booking. If the trip is cancelled outright we will refund your payment in full.